4.8 cm Brandberg Quartz Crystal Deep Purple Cluster, Namibia, Africa
Dimensions: 4.1 cm x 3.8 cm x 4.8 cm
Weight: 87.3 g
Part of the value of Brandberg Quartz is in the fact that it is mined by small scale miners at Gobogobos, the place of digging on the west side of the Brandberg Mountain in the Erongo Region of Namibia.
Nharo has worked with the small scale miners near Brandberg for over 10 years. The last few years we have made trips two annual trips to Namibia. This has allowed us to build firm relationships and get crystals that are phenomenal.
Metaphysical Description: Brandberg Quartz is also called Brandenburg Quartz by Judy Hall of 'Crystal Bible' fame who wrote "Brandenberg helps you to realize that you are perfect exactly as you are in this present moment."Francis Klein, our in house guru, says Brandbergs are for:"CLARITY, RENEWED VITALITY and HEALTH." "Brandberg Quartz has combinations of clear quartz, smoky quartz and amethyst. Known as the "All Healer", Brandberg Quartz brings clarity to one's mind by vastly increasing brain function. It works on all areas of one's body. and energy system leading to renewed health, vigour and vitality. It has become known as one of the most powerful and sought after crystals in the world. Many feel it is the only crystal one really needs to make powerful improvements in every area of one's life."